Monday, August 16, 2010

My first trip to Green Bay!

We just got in from Green Bay, Wisconsin last night and I had such a good weekend up there!  Mostly in part because the weather was perfect, which I hear never ever happens!  The trip up north to 78 degree weather was a very welcome getaway from the 100 degree weather of South Louisiana!  In face, as we were boarding the plane in Milwaukee I held up the line for a minute so I could enjoy the perfect temperature for another minute! 

We got in Friday night after a layover and delayed flight from Memphis.  When we got into Milwaukee we met Doug and Caroline to find that Tom and Doug had dressed like twins again!  We picked Matt up and went to eat at the local Hibachi grill!

3 of the 4 Horsemen, including Doug and Tom dressed as twins, again!

Saturday we hung out until the rest of our group arrived and then headed to Lambeau Stadium for a great night!

Our seats at the game could not have been better!  Tom said that he likes the view from the seats 40 rows up but for my first Packer game the first row was perfect!

I got a few great pictures of Matt including one of him and Aaron watching together from the sidelines!

The stadium was packed with nearly 70,000 fans and great energy!  Tom told me the fans take the Packers so seriously that they sign their children up for the season ticket wait list at birth! 

One of my favorite parts to hear about was their traditions.  A ton of Packer fans gather at every practice to show their support!  The local kids that ride their bikes over wait for the players at the end of practice.  Then, the players borrow their bikes and ride them over to the stadium taking the kids for a ride with them.  They took pictures of the this and put it on pre-season banners that they hung all around the stadium.

Go Pack Go!

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