Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bridal Brains

So, we've all heard of "pregnancy brains" but I am coining the term "bridal brains".  The wedding planning so far has been easy, thanks to our decision to have a destination wedding!  This is probably the best decision I've made to do with this wedding, other than picking the wonderful man I'm going to marry!  However, I am becoming increasingly scatter-brained lately!  This has to be due to all of the wedding details that have been added to my plate.  Wedding planning is definitely fun, don't get me wrong!, but there are quite a few decisions to be made!  (and many many people to disappoint and frankly piss off along the way since everyone has an opinion)  If I don't make lists, lists of lists, notes on any paper-like substance I can find, memos in my blackberry and appointments on my blackberry calendar, I will not remember any of it!  I forget the smallest, and largest, things on an hourly basis. This has all began to sink in when I walk into my kitchen and find myself staring off into space thinking "Now, why did I come in here again?"  That's just crazy, or senile!  Oh well, I will keep making my lists, memos, appointments and just hope I remember everything before it's too late! ...And cross my fingers that this is only temporary!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's only temporary! I was the same way :) I got a notebook which I carried with me everywhere and filled up with all my lists lol It was crazy for a while but it was so fun and it went by way too fast, enjoy it while you can :)
